How to spread butter on bread
The VachàBeurre does the opposite of the big ones. While most cows eat grass to transform it into milk and then into butter, this stainless steel cow is ecological because it eats the butter and transforms it into grass!
The butter cow won the bronze medal at the 2013 Lépine competition.

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Made in France

In stock at our Montrouge workshop!
Dip the snout into the cold butter and the butter foam appears!
By transforming the butter into small filaments it prevents the rusks from breaking.
Use the butter cow to decorate your cheese board.
Your guests will love it for an easy spread!
Very fun for children.
Frequently asked questions (FAQ):
- How do I clean the butter cow?
> Like cutlery, especially in the machine.
- What type of butter does the butter cow work on?
> On real butter! It is less comfortable with margarine and "soft butter".
- Can children use it?
> Yes, and it's less dangerous than a knife!
- Is it food safe?
> Yes, because the Vachabeurre is made of stainless steel.
Last minute: a Canadian fan of the Vachabeurre named Céline informs us of the ongoing controversy about the hardness of butter in her country, see this article.
The butter cow is a Bronze Medalist of the Lépine contest 2013.
Proudly designed by Nicolas Trüb for Stilic Force